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The Spiritual Core

The Spiritual Core

   "This spiritual foundation worked wonders for me. The hypnotic

suggestion reminds you to love yourself always, (something that we need to be reminded of every day), and it opens you up to allowing positive changes to come into your life. Even after the first class, I began to feel better about myself and my future and with time I found I was looking forward to the future, with a sense of wonder and excitement about what was going to happen to me next, instead of the fear I had been feeling before. The classes increased my self-love and positivity while decreasing my fear and negativity. The visualizations focused on increasing our energy levels. These classes gave me the helping hand I needed; gave me the energy I needed to get to a new level of being where I could begin to help myself; where I could meditate better, think more positively, be more calm. Sometimes we just need a helping hand from the outside to get us to this new level; to get past some of our karma. I would recommend these classes to everyone. They would be one of the nicest gifts you could give yourself; a gift of love."

Paula Grogan, 
Freelance Writer


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