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Elizabeth Monroy

Elizabeth  Monroy is an International Author,  Film Director, Producer, and Visionary  Artist.  Her genres include Children’s books such as The Magical Mist, which empowers children’s creativity, Romance Novels like, The Chronicles of MerWorld, about the rise and fall of The Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexual Alchemy  and her latest book is The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and the Co-creators of the Infinite New 5D Earth. She holds a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling and combines her Intuitive abilities to be of service to our Earth and humanity during our current Ascension Cycle. She has over thirty years of experience, working with her husband, a physician, traveling around the planet, laying a foundation for a higher modality of co-healing incorporating the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual natures of the human. Together they wrote the book The Pathway Home to help the emerging New Co-Healers of our planet. Elizabeth has based her work on this foundation and uses her intuitive gifts to empower individuals to learn to trust their own intuition, heal all areas of their lives and inwardly “ascend” into Infinite Humans Beings.

She has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of The New Consciousness Renaissance. Her book The Infinite Human is about her own spiritual journey back to Infinite God Source while addressing current world events, and offering full disclosure to help humanity with the choices they are now facing. She views the current global events as a wake-up call to the Hero within us all to remember what powerful Infinite human beings we are and use our power to navigate beyond our current Finite Broken Earth Systems, embracing our Soul Mission as Infinite Human Beings and co-creating a New Infinite Earth

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